Tuesday, September 30, 2008

OH-16: Midnight Tonight!

An Important Message from John Boccieri

Dear Friend,

Our campaign for Congress has an important deadline at midnight tonight, and I need your help.

After the events of the last few weeks, it couldn't be more clear that we need new leaders in Washington who will put America's middle class first. Wall Street has enough support in Congress - I want to be a representative who makes it my job to fight for your job. We have to make our economy work for working families again, and restore the hope and promise of America.

You can read more about my position on yesterday's $700 billion bailout vote here. Now, with the final financial filing deadline before Election Day at midnight tonight, I need your help to bring change to Washington.

You may have seen the poll last week that showed our campaign leading 49 percent to 41 percent in this race to represent Ohio’s 16th Congressional District. Victory is within reach - will you help us get there?

This fight will get much tougher before Election Day. Our opposition is gearing up to spend nearly a million dollars on negative attack ads. You can fight back with a contribtion of any size - from $23 to $2,300. (The maximum contribution amount is $2,300 per person, or $4,600 per couple.)

Please help us in the final stretch by making a contribution of any amount you can afford today.
Contributions from people like you are the key to victory in this campaign, change in Washington, and a new direction for Ohio and America. Thank you for your unwavering support.

John Boccieri
P.S. We have a financial filing deadline at midnight tonight. A contribution before midnight would be especially effective for our campaign. Thanks again for your support.

Contributions or gifts to John Boccieri for Congress are not tax deductible. We may accept contributions from an individual totaling up to $2,300 per election; $4,600 per election cycle. Federal law prohibits contributions to the campaign from corporations, labor organizations and national banks; from any person contributing another person’s funds; from foreign nationals who lack permanent resident status; from federal government contractors.Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.

Paid for by John Boccieri for Congress