Tuesday, September 23, 2008

OH-16: John Boccieri Leads By 8 Points in New Independent Poll

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Focus on putting middle class before Wall Street resonates with voters

An independent poll released today finds John Boccieri leading Kirk Schuring 49% to 41% in the race for Ohio’s 16th Congressional District.

The poll was commissioned by the newspaper Roll Call and conducted by the independent polling firm Survey USA, which earned a reputation for accuracy during this year's extended presidential primary contests.

Boccieri responded to the poll results today.

“Every day, I’m focused on fighting for the middle class, fighting for jobs, and fighting to get our economy back on track. That’s clearly the kind of change the people of our district want.”

The poll found that more than half of the district's voters rank the economy as their top priority, and Boccieri is winning those voters by almost 20 points. This week, Boccieri maintained his focus on putting working families first by addressing the crisis on Wall Street and the Bush Administration’s proposed bailout.

Boccieri said:

“It’s totally unacceptable that Wall Street would get a $700 billion blank-check bailout and all taxpayers get is the bill. I know people who have been fighting to hold on to their homes for months and years. I can’t support this sudden rush to rescue Wall Street until millions of American homeowners get the help they need to stay in their homes and protect their housing values."

“We shouldn’t be giving corporate CEOs the ultimate golden parachute, we should be holding them accountable for gambling away America’s wealth. And we shouldn’t be giving George Bush’s Treasury Secretary sweeping new powers with near-total immunity from oversight. We should stand up for the homeowners at the heart of this crisis.”
Click here for the Roll Call article on the poll.
Click here for detailed poll results.

In a conference call held on Monday, Boccieri, who has a degree in economics, said it's "extremely disconcerting to find our country in this kind of economic turmoil" given the trillions of dollars in wealth that has "evaporated in less than a week."

Boccieri added:

"I have known people who have been in foreclosure of their homes for months, if not years on end, and there hasn't been anything in terms of what has been suggested for Main Street."

"My fear is that at the end of the day the big CEOs, the hedge fund managers are going to find their golden parachute and land safely, and find that Ohioans are standing in line, with no homes and no food and no job."

Boccieri said that the current proposal reminds him of the kind of rush to action of the Bush administration and Congress when the U.S. Patriot Act was passed. He also stated that the Patriot Act legislation had problems and was not necessarily weighted to the best interests of all Americans. Boccieri contends that the American people deserve a plan that's going to help average Americans and they would be well served if Congress were to think this proposal through seriously.

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