Friday, October 3, 2008

OH-16: Veterans Group Endorses John Boccieri

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Veterans and Military Families for Progress Endorses John Boccieri

The organization Veterans and Military Families for Progress has endorsed John Boccieri's candidacy for Congress in Ohio's 16th Congressional District.

Veterans and Military Families for Progress wrote in their endorsement:

"We feel that veterans, active duty, military families, and in fact, all people of Ohio’s Sixteenth Congressional District will be well-served with John Boccieri as their representative by ensuring that America remains strong in national defense and in fighting terrorism."

"Boccieri’s service to our country cannot be questioned. He has served in the U.S. Air Force for fourteen years and shares the values of our military forces."

The group also praised Boccieri's support for veterans.

"Boccieri’s strong commitment to the issues that are critical to veterans, those serving now, and their families is unsurpassed. His public support for mandatory full funding of the Veterans Administration and his declared determination to provide for the establishment of a national veterans and military family policy give veterans and their families hope that at long last a Congressman will vote in such a way as to keep faith with those who have served and sacrificed."

Boccieri said he was honored to receive the endorsement and will fight for the needs of veterans in Congress.

"America's military men and women are serving honorably in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world. When they come home, we need to stand up for them because they stood up for us."

Founded in 2005, Veterans and Military Families for Progress is dedicated to ensuring that the rights and needs of veterans, active-duty service members (including National Guard and Reservists), and their families are understood by the American public, endorsed by elected officials, and protected by legislation, regulation, and public policy initiatives.

VMFP is a 21st Century organization made up of members located throughout the country, and from across the breadth of rank and military services, who served, are serving, or are family members of those who have heeded the call to serve their country in the U.S. military.

This is great news on the eve of the first of five joint appearances scheduled between Ohio 16th District congressional candidates John Boccieri and Kirk Schuring.

The first is Saturday, October 4th, from 6:00 - 8:30 PM, sponsored by the Greater Canton Veterans Council. The organization is part of the Stark County Veterans Commission and represents some 46,000 veterans throughout the area. We talked with the event co-ordinator yesterday and were informed that the 400 tickets made available for the Town Hall event gone inside of two days.

If you are so lucky as to be holding an event pass, I truely envy you! This first debate will present each candidate with 7 questions sent in from 30 veterans groups across the district.

Contact Chris at or (330) 754-0534 for additional heads-up information going into Saturday evening!