Monday, September 22, 2008

OH-16: John Boccieri Makes The Final Six


Thank you for voting in Round One of 21st Century Democrats' Vote08 Contest. John Boccieri was one of the top six candidates and has moved on to Round Two - but now he needs your support again. Vote in Round Two now!

Round One was extremely competitive, with barely 300 votes separating the top six candidates. Round Two includes:

John Adler (NJ-3)
Judy Baker (MO-9)
John Boccieri (OH-16)
Mary Jo Kilroy (OH-15)
Betsy Markey (CO-4)
Dan Seal (IL-10)
Please take a moment and vote in Round Two. Just a few seconds of your time could make the difference and give John Boccieri some extra help on the ground over the last six weeks of the campaign. Voting ends on September 30th and the winners will be announced on October 1st.

Thank you again for your vote and your support!
21st Century Democrats