Monday, September 8, 2008

OH-16: John Boccieri: A Fighter. For Us.

I was surfing blogs this morning and stumbled upon this great ad for Senator John Boccieri(D).

We have lost major employers and suffered through "Kirk Schuring's Gas Tax" increase while he gave himself a $9000 pay raise.

Senator Major John Boccieri(D) has served us in Iraq, Afghanastan, and 40 countries around the world. He has committed to stand up against Big Oil and help to bring down sky-rocketing gas prices. He stands with the middle class and organized labor. John Boccieri is the clear choice for Ohio's Fighting 16th District!

John Boccieri: A Fighter. For Us. (OH-16)

A veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, John Boccieri is the right candidate to represent Ohio's 16th Congressional District in Washington.