Tuesday, October 7, 2008

OH-16: John Boccieri Breaking Blue - Up Double Digits In Research 2000 Poll

UPDATE: This on The Front Page!

Over on The DailyKos, brownsox has a great post up!

Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 9/30-10/01. Likely voters. MoE 5%

Boccieri (D) 48
Schuring (R) 38

Wow. Boccieri leads among men and women, among all age brackets, and has a 13-point lead among independents to go with his comfortable edge among Democrats.

Boccieri far outstrips Obama's performance in OH-16 at the moment; Obama merits a three-point edge over McCain, 49% to 46%. Not that that's bad, not by a long shot; Bush won by nine points in 2000 and eight points in 2004.

Boccieri - a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, State Senator, and former semiprofessional baseball player - has proven to be a terrific candidate, and this lead appears to be for real; SurveyUSA has pegged the race as 49% for Boccieri, 41% for Schuring.
Jump over to Kos for the complete polling data!!!