OH-16: Sen. John Boccieri Rocks "Ohio's Fighting 16th District"!
“Every day that I strap myself into that $30 million C-130 airplane, I put my life on the line for all the Amendments in the U.S. Constitution." ~ Senator Major John Boccieri
I'm feeling really sorry for any Democrat, Independent, and...yes, even the Republicans that didn't pony up for last night's Four County Fundraiser for John Boccieri for U.S. Congress. Why? We had it all!
The staff at the AMVETS Post #6 kicked into high gear as we were entertained by the Jack Halkides Band from Canton. Smooth Jazz and Swing set the mood for the evening as guests mingled with old and new friends, alike. I found myself engrossed with a gentleman that had seen firsthand the incompetance of the Bush administration in NOLA. They used private trucks to drive to Birmingham, Alabama to get supplies while FEMA did what FEMA does...push paper.
The event kicked off with "The Presentation of Colors", delivered by the AMVETS Post #6 Color
Our "Guest of Honor", Ohio Lt. Gov. Lee Fisher, gave a key-note speech covering topics ranging from the state of Ohio's economy, our state's position to move forward as leader in a new "green job economy", and finishing with John Boccieri's biography. After reminding us that "the campaign literature on your tables is wrong." He corrected it by stating, "The Boccieri's do not have three children. They now have four". Following a raucus round of laughter, Lt. Gov. Fisher gave the introduction of State Senator Major John Boccieri.
John Boccieri carries a unique aura about himself. You know he is a battle hardened Veteran,
Let's listen in...
Oh, he's not done! He believes in "The American Dream"!
There's a change coming.
Real Change to Protect Ohio Families and Ohio Jobs!
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