Sunday, April 20, 2008

Major John Boccieri(D) Wins OH's Fighting 16th Primary!

Originally posted at EENR Blog on March 5, 2008!

State Senator John Boccieri Wins Primary Election

Following his victory in the Democratic primary in Ohio's 16th Congressional District, State Sen. John Boccieri thanked his supporters at a reception at Canton, OH's Primo Bar and Grill where he promised to continue to fight for the families of Northeast Ohio.

"The people of Northeast Ohio need a representative in Congress they can trust to stand up for their interests," Boccieri said. "They need to know the person they send to Washington will fight for positive change on the issues affecting them every day. We must fix the unfair trade deals that send our jobs overseas, expand accessibility to affordable health care, find a solution to the foreclosure crisis, ensure our veterans have the services and support they have earned and bring our troops home from Iraq safely, honorably and soon."

Boccieri received more than 64% of the 106,760 votes cast in yesterday's 16th district Democratic primary.

"The voters of the 16th Congressional District spoke out in overwhelming numbers of their desire to see a change at home and in Washington," Boccieri said. "I congratulate my opponent, Kirk Schuring, on his victory in the Republican primary. I look forward to a substantive campaign focused on the changes and leadership we need to turn around Northeast Ohio."

John Boccieri seeks the seat held by retiring Republican Rep. Ralph Regula. State Senator Kirk Schuring, who was easily the best-funded Republican in the race and a prized NRCC recruit, trailed former county commissioner Matt Miller for most of the evening. Schuring would finally pull out the narrow victory (46%-43%) over Miller.

"As we look forward to the general election, this is a truly exciting time in our district, our state and our nation. Our party is energized, we are hungry for a change, and after last night--more so than ever before-it is clear that we WILL elect the 16th District's first Democratic representative to Congress in 60 years!"

Let's hear a loud round of applause for the victory of an another Edwards Democrat!

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